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Saturday, May 26, 2012


I find it a good rule to always listen to what your wife has to say and go along with what she wants. It makes life much more enjoyable.

We decided to go watch the grandson play baseball. The wife told me the game was at Browns Point Elementary. We took off from Orting and headed to Federal Way. It does not matter which way you go getting to Browns Point is not fast and easy . I decided to go via Federal Way and went down 356th. As we were heading down the road I realized that we were getting low on gas. Up ahead was a Shell station and I began to pull in. The wife said we should go to Fred Meyer to get gas as it will be cheaper and it was right down the road from the Shell station.

Well, I knew that Fred Meyer was “not” right down the road, she was thinking about 21st SW and we were on about 29th. But rather than argue I went along with what she wanted to do. We follow the Road and it turned west away from the Twin Lakes area. So at the first main cross street I took a right and sure enough we ended up at the North Shore QFC were I took another right and headed back to 21st SW and Fred Meyer.

We pulled into the Fred Meyer parking lot and made our way over to the gas pumps. Not only were there several cars in line for each pump, the gas was 2 cents more expensive than the Shell. I got in line to wait and it was taking forever. I looked over and there was an old lady waving her arms and I think cussing at me to get out of her way. She was blocked in and could not get out. I obliged her and moved the car to another line. When it was finally our turn, I pulled up to the pump, got out and began to pump gas. Now I knew why it was taking so long. The pumps were going very slow. They were pumping at a rate of 25 percent of normal.

We finally got our gas and decided that we needed to go over to Subway to get some lunch. We pulled out of Fred Meyer, took a right and got into the left hand turn lane to head us back in the direction of Browns Point. The light turned green and the car in front of us started to move. I stepped on the gas and immediately had to slam on the brakes as some idiot was running a red light and the car in front of me had to stop suddenly to avoid hitting them. I looked in my rear view mirror and the car behind me slammed on their brakes and barley missed from rear ending me.

Well we got our Subway sandwiches and finally made it out of Federal Way alive and headed to the field to watch some baseball. We got to the field and had to search for a spot to park. Once we found a spot we got out and walked to the field and tried to find my daughter and grandson. They were nowhere to be found. My wife said she was sure the game was there and she saw my daughter’s car in the parking lot. We looked around some more with no luck. Finally the wife texted my daughter and my daughter replied saying the game was at North East Tacoma Elementary instead of Browns Point Elementary.I was not sure where the school was and my daughter replied "right off of 356th across from the Shell station."

We got back into the car and headed over to the right field and as we drove up we could see the Shell station where I tried to stop and get gas in the first place.
My Grandson played a great game, had a great hit and pitched the last two innings for a win. Like I said, always listen to your wife. It makes life go so much easier.

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